In 2019, you helped to make great things happen...


Our clients make an incredible difference in the world. 

And by working with Creative Concern to deliver your communications and campaigns, you’re helping to have an even bigger impact.

You've helped to save tonnes of carbon...

In 2019, all our electricity came from renewable sources. This means that every design we worked on for you, every film we edited, every piece of writing we crafted was powered by the sun or the wind.

You’ve helped to get some trees planted…

The Creative Concern team gave time for free to support the Woodland Trust and Community Forest Trust - they’re both doing incredible things to re-forest our country, so we're happy to do what we can to support them.

Creative Concern remains absolutely committed to only printing on recycled paper. And we use eco-friendly vegetable inks too. We also always recommend alternatives to environmentally-unkind print finishes. 

… and you’ve made sure fewer trees have been cut down

Creative Concern remains absolutely committed to only printing on recycled paper. And we use eco-friendly vegetable inks too. We also always recommend alternatives to environmentally-unkind print finishes.

You’ve helped to cut the carbon of tens of websites down to zero

Through our web hosting partner, Faelix, all our web hosting is carbon neutral. That means if you host your website through us, you’re supporting some very green website action!

You helped motivate the next generation of designers to use their skills for good

Creative Concern has great relationships with Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Manchester and UCLAN and these continued through 2019. We mentor some of their design students, and we always challenge them to use their skills to make the world a better place.

You’ve helped charities across the Northwest get their voices heard...

Creative Concern is a proud partner of the CharityComms network; partnering on several events with the network in 2019. We also welcome the North West group to our offices, without charge, for their events every quarter.

... and you've helped us to support some of Manchester’s most vulnerable people

During Christmas 2019, the Creative Concern team once again supported the charity MASH, and sent gift packs to tens of women currently working in the sex industry across Manchester. It helped MASH to reach every single woman who came to the charity over Christmas - an incredible achievement. 

We also supported two other incredible Manchester charities in 2019; Wood Street Mission and Manchester Youth Zone.

You’ve helped to make sure that more people are paid the Living Wage...

We’ve Living Wage Foundation accredited, and we’re proud to live up to that promise, every day.

Thank you

By continuing to work with Creative Concern we can make even more brilliant stuff happen in 2020.

Got an urge to do even more?

Here’s a few things that we’re all aiming to do this year, we’d love it if you could join us: 

Got 15 minutes? Take the Suicide Alliance online training - it might just help you know what to say to someone you know who’s in crisis and considering suicide.

Got an hour? Sort out some of your great quality but no longer needed children’s clothes and equipment; here’s what Wood Street Mission are always looking for in donations

Got a day, or more? Sign up to be a Citizen Forester with City of Trees; Greater Manchester’s community forestry organisation.


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