
Tips from our team... keeping remote working creative

More from Faith this week on keeping creative when your team are all working remotely...

"We've learned that remote, or even blended working patterns don't have to mean the loss of co-creation, team collaborations or creative projects. In fact, there's opportunities to do even more to keep your communications creative, relevant and impactful.

Think sprint not marathon; find new platforms; bust the brief…

These are just three of the top tips for keeping teams creative during the pandemic restrictions that we shared at a Charity Comms conference a few months ago. If you're interested in hearing what other charities told us about their biggest challenges, join the recording of our presentation. If join the recording to dive straight into top tips to run great remote creative ideas sessions.

Inject some new thinking

We've set up a (slightly silly, definitely useful) new idea prompt generator on our website. If you're stuck and need a quick injection of something fresh, take a look and scroll to the bottom where you'll find our 'New thing please' prompt generator right there!

Don't rule anything out

In spite of current restrictions, we've been helping clients to run incredibly sucessful, engaging events, running focus groups and continuing with audience testing for our digital and campaign work, making new films for clients and running Covid-safe photo shoots. There really is no need to feel that you have to put any of your charity's plan on hold - now more than ever is the time to increase your presence, engage your supporters and wider audiences and express exactly who you are as an organisation.

We're running Zoom sessions right now to help clients navigate all of these issues and many more – so if you think we can help (even if its just to assess your current site, without firm plans to make radical changes) get in touch.

Tips from our team... briefing in a film

This week Chris shares his top tips for briefing in a film to your agency:

"If you’re planning some filming for the Autumn, here’s a few pointers to help you get the most out of your shoot…

Ask yourself, is it a film?

This might sound daft, but film is great at taking your audiences to interesting and unusual places and to capture emotions and opinions. Not everything makes a great film, so the first big question to ask is - is film the best and most compelling way to get the information across?


It’s an obvious one but follow the guidance on safe shooting. Our team have all taken the Covid-safe filming test and have the certification. We can guide you through this if needed to make sure we all stay safe on the job.

Planning makes all the difference

A successful film takes planning and organising. Getting the best locations, the most interesting angles and the most interesting interviewees all takes planning and visualising the final film before you even start.

Vox pops are rarely the best approach

We are often asked to capture ‘vox pops’ which in reality are interviews simply because the subject matter can be more complex than a simple vox pop question. We’d suggest planning your film by thinking about the message first and then decide the best way to communicate your message or story. Vox pops are rarely the best way!

Film it once, use it many times

If you are going to invest in capturing some film content, think about how you can use this content across different channels and formats. This might mean making a few different edits or re-purposing your film to work in portrait or square format. We’d recommend getting the maximum value from your filming by running the content across all of your channels.

Would you watch it?

This last point is critical - only make films that you would watch! What we mean is, make sure your films are as interesting, vibrant and visually dramatic as possible. If you enjoy watching them, then so will your audiences

Good luck!"

Charity webinar: mastering digital and social advertising for your charity


Creative Concern and Root Media have teamed up to offer a free webinar for charities on 3RD NOVEMBER, 11AM - 12.30PM

When it comes to using using digital to increase fundraising, increase awareness and engagement and build a charity’s brand, there’s a huge range of options that you can take advantage of. But many of us stick to the same few approaches, time and again, because we don’t have the time or knowledge to explore other (potentially far more impactful) routes.

We're inviting charities to register for a 90min, interactive live webinar on 3RD NOVEMBER, 11AM - 12.30PM to bring you up to speed on the latest opportunities available to charities across digital platforms, and give you a chance through questions and group discussion to explore the potential for your organisation. We’ll get stuck into: 


- social platforms; does it really have to be all about Facebook? Ways to expand your profile effectively across other social platforms

- integrating your off and online efforts, so they work together and help you build momentum

- how you can ensure that your digital activity doesn’t just drive traffic to your website or social channel, but actually leads to meaningful engagement 

- how to maintain high levels of creativity, even when working with strict formats

There are limited places. Please get in touch with Faith on to reserve your space. See you there!

Tips from our team... proofreading

This week, our Senior copywriter, Rebecca shares some top tips for tip top proofreading:

"Proofreading is an important part of any job – it picks up those typos and grammar mistakes that can often slip through earlier drafts. It’s always a good idea to get someone else to proofread your work, a pair of fresh eyes can be key. If you’re proofreading your own work, here are three top tips to spot those mistakes:

1. Don’t rely on spell check. Even when words are spelt correctly, they may be being used incorrectly or be a simple typo (‘an’ instead of and’, ‘dairy’ not ‘diary’). For example spell check won’t pick up ‘What is there name?’ as it’s all spelt right, but it should be ‘What is their name?’.

2. Read aloud. You’re more likely to spot mistakes and awkward sentences if you read them out loud. If you stumble over the words, chances are your reader will too.

3. Check it twice (at least). You’ll do well to spot everything in just one proofreading session. There will be checks for consistency, cross referencing (page numbers etc.) and so on that you’ll need to check back over after the first run through.

Good luck!"

Tips from our team... providing amends to your designer

This week, Faith (our Business Director) shares some tips on how to provide amends and feedback on drafts of creative work.

"We know there's always going to be amends on creative drafts and we build in time to cover these of course!  But there's some simple, practical ways to make sure that your designers really understand what you mean, and rounds of amends are kept to a minimum. 

1. Think about three key areas: content, accuracy and design, when you're reviewing creative drafts. Ask:

Are all the written and visual elements that you expected to see in the draft included (as occasionally, images or lines of writing may be accidentally cut when being added to the draft)?

Are you completely happy with how the document reads?

Are you happy with how the images and graphical elements in your draft appear?

Are all contact details (telephone numbers, email addresses, web addresses etc) included in your draft are correct?

Are all figures (statistics, quantities etc) included in the draft correct?

Are all references and photography credits correct?

2. If you're marking up PDFs, try to use the correct markup tools; there are specific commenting tools for text deletions, replacements, insertions etc. Sticky notes should ideally be kept for general queries or design changes, as it can be difficult to locate exactly where in the text the amend is. There is helpful advice on the Adobe website:

3. If you're supplying replacement copy for any part of the document, please supply this as a typed version on email or word document and provide the page and paragraph number for each amend (so we’re clear about what we’re amending)

Super practical - but helps to speed the amends process up and get the final result ready for you much quicker!"

Happy amending! Faith 

CC webinars; sharing insights and helping each other

The Creative Concern team has been putting together a series of short and sweet pre-recorded webinars, on subjects that we think might be useful for our clients, as well as the wider world of charities, the public sector and all others who are commited to making this world a better place.  We hope you enjoy them and find something useful. And if you know someone else who might be interested, please share them on!

Creative breaks: ideas to keep you (and your family!) feeling creative

Here at Creative Concern, we're all about keeping ourselves thinking as creatively as possible, and sometimes that means taking a break, and trying something simple, and fun.

We've put some activities together that are great for adults and children alike. If you're feeling bogged down and struggling to find the creative spark at any time, feel free to download and give one of these a go – we hope they help!

Go Live - our websites for charities and not for profits

At Creative Concern we’ve been developing websites for charities and not for profits for 18 years. Right now beautiful, responsive, and completely editable websites are at the very heart of the sector's communications. So we’ve developed a special web product tailored exactly to their needs.

Find out more about Go Live and see if it could be the solution for your new website.

In 2019, you helped to make great things happen...

Our clients make an incredible difference in the world. 

And by working with Creative Concern to deliver your communications and campaigns, you’re helping to have an even bigger impact.

Read our 2019 impact report 

Illustrating sustainable travel

We worked with Bournemouth University on a cover illustration and supporting graphics for their sustainable travel plan 2019-25.

The plan aims to showcase sustainable travel both on and off campus, creating a visual representation of locality and activity to represent the University and city with students and residents cycling, walking, using local and University buses, plus trains, car sharing and also digital working.

The sustainable transport illustration was based within a geographical context featuring local landmarks including the Bournemouth Pier, the New Forest landscape and the university gateway buildings.

The design worked with a select colour palette to create an distinctive illustration that represented Bournemouth in a vibrant and eye-catching way.

The Round Table on Responsible Soy’s annual conference, RT14

The Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS) hosted its annual conference in June at the Rabobank headquarters in Utrecht. 

With a record turnout, this year’s conference focused on demand for Responsible Soy, policies and finance with leaders and influencers from across the supply chain meeting to share information, contacts and practical strategies. 

As an important event in the RTRS calendar, we supported the team with PR and communications around the conference, preparations for the inaugural RTRS Annual Awards, filming, photography and a written summary of the conference. With a number of important leading figures in the industry gathering in Europe at the same time, we also set up and filmed a number of interviews throughout the conference. 

Find out more about the conference on the Responsible Soy website

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