Heart of England Forestry Web Design

Heart of England Forest
Website design and build
Web Design, Web Build, Content Management

The Heart of England Forest are working to reverse centuries of woodland decline and create and conserve a magnificent 30,000 acre broadleaf forest for the benefit of the environment, wildlife and people. The Forest covers a mosaic of habitats across 7,000 acres of land in Warwickshire and Worcestershire, including 4,000 acres of new woodland and 600 acres of mature and ancient woodland. 

We were commissioned to design and build a completely new website to communicate the amazing work of the charity and the impact they are having. The challenge was to create a highly visual website that would help the charity increase income and communicate their value locally and nationally. We developed a Drupal 8 website with a variety of page styles and features that enables the Heart of England Forest to create vibrant, dynamic layouts through a flexible content management system.

Homepage - Tablet

The website includes a range of highly customisable features, including a walking section optimised for use on mobile, to use while taking a walk in the woodands. The walking section is connected to an interactive map and inclides with a series of step-by-step instructions and summary details about your walk. The website is designed to deliver information in an intuitive way that retains a strong brand look and feel. The website structure ensures different sections of related content can easily be found to encourage deeper exploration of the website content.

Interactive walking pages - Mobile

The website also integrates with Donorfy, a CRM system that was already in use by the charity. We developed highly visual landing pages for the fundraising section and improved the user journey for donors with elegantly designed donation pages that integrate with Donorfy forms.  

Throughout the website design and build accessibility and legibility have been a priority to guide the process. The website has also undergone testing from the charity's website users during the process to inform the structure, content map and overall concept.

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