Salford University

Our work with the University of Salford started in 2014 and includes brand review, installations, web design and development.

Right now we are delighted to be working on a virtual open day progamme. Here's a snapshot of the work we've done with the Salford teams.

Brand review, consultation and brand development

In 2014/15 the Creative Concern team carried out an extensive brand review for the University of Salford which involved stakeholder, student and staff engagement, a tone of voice review, visual brand development, a revised colour palette and brand guidelines and the development of a new image gallery.

We also made a series of ‘animating the campus’ recommendations which led to a guerrilla lighting event and the commissioning of a major installation for the Business School. 

Salford Business School's Ambition

In 2015 we also delivered a range of innovative interventions for the University's business school. They wanted an ambient marketing campaign for the start of the academic year celebrating ambition.

We began with a teaser campaign of small 3D printed ‘ambitions’ left hidden across the campus but then culminated in a giant set of red letters on the main A6 through campus that became the centrepiece of a #salfordambition campaign on social.

The letters have proved so popular that they have been maintained and kept as a key icon on campus even though they were only intended to last nine months originally. 

SURF & School of the Built Environment 

We worked extensively with the school of the built environment and in particular the then Centre for Sustainable and Regional Futures on a major programme funded by Mistra Urban Futures on city governance and sustainability, which included extensive content creation and a hugely successful website - - which became a knowledge sharing space for urban sustainability. We also helped to organise events, design reports and attended a partnership meeting in Gothenburg.

Realising Just Cities

With the same team from SURF we’ve also worked on the Realising Just Cities programme developing branded materials, a website and programme reports for the research team.

We’re now helping deliver some legacy elements of the ‘Jam & Justice’ theme of the research programme, which concluded in 2019.

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