Do you have any handy tips or tricks that you'd be willing to share?
Of course, the classic 'three top tips' for you.
One. Listen! Honestly, a lot of the copy I write comes from listening to clients and colleagues in meeting and workshops and so on. There's so much you can pick up from listening, and listening well. It's not just in a work scenario either. Listening to how people speak, what they're talking about, how they tell their stories – and I mean everything from podcasts to people on the train – can help inform your writing.
Two. A blank page can be a daunting thing. Just write anything to start. Write down your thoughts about what you need to write. Write how it makes you feel, how you want others to feel. Words on a page – even nonsense ones – are a start! The more you write, the easier it gets.
Three. If you can, park what you've written for a while and come back to it later. What sounded brilliant one day might sound awkward the next. There's always something that can be edited down that little bit more.
And while we have you in a sharing mood... would you be happy to spill the beans on a single most favourite or magical moment?
Some of the messaging I'd written for Red Nose Day was read out on the night by David Tennant. That's pretty good, right?