Always, Everywhere: Manchester's Cultural Ambition

Manchester City Council
Manchester's new 10 year culture framework
Consultation, engagement, digital, web

Creative Concern was fortunate enough to win the chance to work on Manchester’s new ten-year framework (2025-2035) for culture. The overall objective was to take our city’s incredible cultural energy and success to a new and higher level. To widen our impact and footprint; to increase involvement, relevance and ownership as we broaden our cultural storyline; and to be more accessible to all of our richly varied and diverse communities.

We were tasked with creating a new cultural framework that was co-designed – in the end – by over a thousand people taking part in surveys, workshops, interviews and engagement events across the city. It has been shaped by the sector, by stakeholders, by audiences and importantly by those who we know we have to work harder to connect with.

From the outset, we knew this had to be a highly inclusive and deliberative process working towards a strategy that was fully co-designed with the community and stakeholders.

Our consultation activity for this strategic framework took place from September 2023 to March 2024 and included close working with the City Council team, a steering group, and overall has seen:

  • 250,000 residents reached via social media
  • 60,000 people reached through bulletins and newsletters
  • Over 10,000 visits to the consultation website we built
  • Around 1,300 survey responses have been sent to us and we have spoken in person to hundreds of local people in neighbourhoods
  • We have met with 52 groups representing 807 community voices
  • And there have been 11 media pieces promoting the strategy consultation


2024 launch of Manchester's new 10 year culture

On September 12th 2024 the new strategy was launched to the people of Manchester and we feel incredibly privileged to have played such a significant role in the development of the strategy.

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