Let's Break The Silence

Promoting open conversations around mental health and guiding people on how to do this effectively
Campaign toolkit design

YMCA is the oldest and largest youth charity in the world, set up in England in 1844. Throughout England and Wales, they operate as a federation with 101 local YMCAs. 

We were approached by YMCA to work on their new campaign Small Talks – Big Difference. A campaign promoting open conversations around mental health and guiding people on how to do this effectively. 

The new campaign would be primarily utilised by the YMCA Federation to help promote positive mental health within their organisation and their community. Asking individuals to take actions, or make small adjustments in their day to day to benefit their own mental health and the mental health of others around them.

Key guidance would be split into four sections -
Take the time
Ask twice
Learn to listen
Keep it up

The audience was all levels of YMCAs – staff, volunteers and young people (attendees of youth groups/residents etc) although not exclusive as YMCAs could also choose to promote to their wider community and partners – other organisations, businesses and schools.

Our challenge was to create a visual identity for the campaign – guidance for tone, look and feel for YMCA's inhouse designers to follow and use of photography or designed graphics as part of the brand. And finally providing assets and templates designed for print and social such as badges, t-shirts, flashcards and other various digital formats. 

Our graphic apporach was centred around the visual representation of how breaking through the feeling of isolation and loneliness can start with a simple conversation. We developed the tone to be more serious but still inclusive whilst also empowering, with the aim of encouraging people to think and act by starting a conversation.

The identity for the campaign took its form by imitating the iconic isometric grid used to create the YMCA logo. This ensured a connection between both the brand and campaign, enabling the campaign to reinforce the core YMCA identity as well as performing on its own deliverables. 

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