The Children’s Support Services team at Manchester City Council got in touch with us to help with two projects: the design and build of a brand new website for Manchester Youth Council, and the Young Carers' Forum's Be Bothered! campaign.
Work that matters
Manchester Youth Council and Young Carers
Manchester Youth Council is a forum that represents the views of young people. Campaigning on issues such as mental health and youth employment, it is run by young people, for young people.
The members of the Youth Council had some great ideas about what their website should look like and the functionality it should have, so we worked closely within their guidelines to produce a simple yet effective website that they could go on to maintain themselves. The website is bright and bold, and uses the Manchester bee emblem as a focal point for its identity.

It was important that the campaign came from the young carers – it was not for us to speak for them. To do this, we retained their mission and priorities and worked together to develop a tone of voice and campaign brand. Using images of the young carers and a rallying cry to ‘Be Bothered!’, we produced a range of print and event collateral as well as photography and film.
The Be Bothered! campaign was launched at Manchester City Council in July 2017. Teachers, social workers, youth workers, and health professionals from across the city region attended the launch to learn more about young carers, the responsibilities and skills they have, and the difficulties they face. We’re incredibly proud of our involvement in raising awareness of the role of young carers and the work we did to support the group.

“The project was fantastic, down to a great team effort. Thanks again, it’s been lovely working with you."