The Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS) is celebrating another year of continued growth in the production and uptake of sustainable soy. We were commisioned to create an annual report and promotional film to highlight these achievements.
Work that matters
Round Table on Responsible Soy

The annual report outlined key achievements, with graphs and infographics to showcase areas of growth. This was summarised in a short film to promote the report, RTRS' ambition, and call for supply chain actors to look to a future where all soy is grown, processed and brought to market in a sustainable way. The film was created using footage from international events and RTRS certified farms, and brought to life with animated graphics to highlight key achievements.
RTRS are committed to promoting the sustainable production, trade and use of soy. By connecting stakeholders across the entire supply chain, they create a global platform dedicated to responsible soy. Their robust certification standard ensures that RTRS certified soy adheres to Legal Compliance and Good Business Practices, Responsible Labor Conditions, Responsible Community Relations, Good Agricultural Practices, and Environmental Responsibility, including and going beyond zero deforestation.