Our work with the University of Cambridge began over five years ago with a series of workshop and insight gathering sessions before developing a Communications and Engagement Strategy and supporting Action Plan for their sustainability service. The strategy defined the style, tone and approach to communications, along with a series of engagement tactics and actions. Our approach was to identify and build on the activity that was working but also to identify future priorities and new approaches.
Work that matters
Sustainability reporting with impact

The work began with a comprehensive review of the existing communications and engagement activity including a website audit, review of existing datasets, a social media review and a series of workshops, interviews and online surveys.
Beyond the strategy and action plan, we have created the University’s Annual Environmental Sustainability Report for the past five years. The annual reporting is a significant project each year and includes the main report, a lead animation, a summary report and series of social media graphics to support the launch.

Each report has been written by our team, following a series of interviews with key personnel from across the University. The report showcases the work, key initiatives and case studies being undertaken to deliver the University’s sustainable commitments, including the target of absolute zero for scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2048 or before.
The challenge each year has been to create something distinctive and unique to the sustainability service that also supports and works within the core University brand. Beyond this, the team wanted some visual continuity each year but also to continually develop and improve the visual impact of the report.

The design solution has been to develop a style that combines photography and illustrative elements, working to create impactful visual collages that tell the story of the report, without the need for a literal visual representation of the report content. The style can be extended for use with graphs, tables and data. The creative challenge was to define a style that works both for flat, static visuals and in an animated form. The report itself has been developed with accessibility front of mind and is in keeping with the University’s new brand identity which is currently being rolled out.

Our work with the University of Cambridge continues with our work to support a refresh of their web presence and guidance on the structure, content and tone. The full annual reports can be seen on the University of Cambridge website.
Creative Concern has worked extensively with the university and higher education sector to deliver marketing and communications activity designed to promote and report on progress being made in the areas of sustainability, environmental performance and social value.