It was an absolute pleasure working with the fantastic team at Mosac on their rebrand to We Stand. Their 30th anniversary year was an ideal opportunity for them to reflect back on their incredible journey as an organisation offering a range of support services and information for families affected by child sexual abuse. We listened to their thoughts and reflections to support their rebrand to We Stand. A brand that says more about who they are and the way that they work.
Work that matters
We Stand
We initially worked with the team on the renaming of their organisation, along with updated messaging, manifesto, mission, and some writing guidelines. We then moved on to the rebranding design, supporting animations and graphics plus a new We Stand website.

“You often feel like you're standing alone, we stand sounds like you're going on a journey to stand up too. Feels like you're taking a stand/standing up by contacting the charity. We Stand feels good because not many people do stand with you in this journey but here (at the charity) people do stand with you. If someone has gone through this, this name would resonate with them.”

We Stand graphic for Children and young people’s services

We Stand graphic for Counselling services

We Stand graphic for Training for parents

We Stand graphic for National helpline

We Stand graphic for Training for professionals

We Stand graphic for Legal services, advice & support